
Setting Up Your Business For Success in the Summer

Look, I don’t know what people in other parts of the country or world do when summer rolls around, but here in Alaska, we go hard! With the sun coming up before 5a and not setting until after 11p, we finally have a ton of daylight and amazing weather to get out and do things. 




When you own your own business, that means setting it up so that you can take the time away to enjoy the amazing weather. 


This is my fourth year in business and my fourth year setting things up so that I can spend time enjoying my family, friends, and the amazing weather we see in the summer. I’ve had some time to practice my process, which is why I’m sharing it with you.


Something to keep in mind, RIGHT NOW, is to block out the times you KNOW you’re going to be out. This is the one thing that I most often forget to do and it causes nothing but problems if you have a place where potential clients can book a time on your schedule automatically. 


I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve realized I forgot to block out time, someone scheduled, and then it’s a whole process to get them rescheduled. 


If you’re ready to get your business summer ready, then check out these…



Highlights from This Episode:

  • Figure out your summer (or insert current season here) non-negotiables
  • Learn where you’re spending the most time in your business and where you can systemize
  • Batching your content creation will save you so much time
  • Create a true “tentative” schedule with time blocked out on your calendar
  • Include all the important people in your scheduling process


Captivating Quotes from this Episode:

  • It’s hard when it’s 11 o’clock at night and the sun is shining down and you just want to sit on your back porch and read a book or have a margarita, it’s hard to tell yourself, no, it’s actually late and you should go to bed.
  • This is my fourth year doing this, so I have a little bit of a routine way that I think about things and questions that I asked myself before writing or developing my summer schedule.
  • Run these things through a filter, sort of that eliminate, delegate, this can be done later, filter. When I did this exercise last, I actually moved an entire project that I was really excited about to the fall, because it just didn’t feel good anymore.
  • Something that I always love to do is to ask my kids what’s on their summer wish list. And if you don’t have kids, this could be your spouse, or you could talk to your friends and see like, what are some things that they’re really hoping or wishing to do this summer, but I like to ask my kids, what are the things that they really want to see happen, and make sure that that’s on my radar.
  • I know that if I want to have the schedule that I want for the summer, I don’t want to be tied to having to create a certain amount of content every day or every week. I want to as, much as I can, batch content out.




Episode 23: Shifts I’ve Made in 2022

Hire, Hire Pants on Fire


BEFORE YOU GO: Don’t forget to rate review and subscribe to the Dreamer’s Manual Podcast so we can continue to bring you tailored content to help you build your dreams, evolve in your journey, and bust through those limits so you can create and sustain a thriving business!


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