
Harnessing Your Secret Sauce as a Business Owner with Latrice Prater

Latrice Prater is a Neurodivergent CEO of The Digital Solutions Team, a virtual agency providing tech and operations solutions to female business owners. Latrice is a wife and mother of 3, who currently resides in the Austin, Texas area. 


She is fiercely passionate about people, personal and professional development, and harnessing her authenticity to attract her tribe. Latrice loves to provide training and guidance to women who are service providers with online businesses and identify as neurodivergent. 


As a woman in business with ADHD, Generalized Anxiety, Bipolar II Disorder, and Insomnia, she knows firsthand the challenges one faces to run and sustain a profitable business.  


She started her journey as a business owner in February 2020 as a solopreneur. She now leads a small agency that consists of a team of 13 amazing women and continues to scale her six-figure business because she’s harnessed her secret sauce. 


Listen in as we chat about neurodivergency in business, hiring for your weaknesses, and figuring out how to harness your strengths to propel your business forward. Latrice was so much fun to talk to, and I cannot wait for you to dive in! 




Highlights from This Episode:

  • Building a revenue generating, sustainable business, with a team, while dealing with ADHD and other neurodivergencies. 
  • How she works and the ways in which she communicates that to her clients and her team.
  • Where she’s been able to find success in both identifying new clients and in running her team.
  • Why leading from a service mindset has helped propel her forward both in life and business.
  • Why niching down is so hard for female, neurodivergent entrepreneurs.

Captivating Quotes from this Episode:

  • Everything about me is what you see is what you get. I’m very much like that on social media. Because I always tell people, the whole purpose of wanting to start a business was because I didn’t want to conform to society’s idea of what professionalism should be or should look like.
  • I always tell people if you don’t want to throw your business away, at least once a week, then you’re not doing it right, because I want to throw it away every other day.
  • Because I didn’t take everybody else’s advice and niche down, my ADHD brain was allowed to just do what it wanted to do a little bit. Because even though, at the time, I was focused on admin, I had clients that were in so many different industries that I didn’t get bored.
  • What I’ve really found out is the secret sauce to business is me. I am the secret sauce. I’m the reason why my business pops is because people like me. So how am I showing them me if I’m trying to follow somebody else. So that’s why I quickly was able to shift because I was like, This doesn’t feel authentic.
  • It is a limiting belief to believe that I only have to create one thing and just offer one thing. Because how my business grew was the simple fact that I did not niche down it was because I kind of went with the ebbs and flows. If I liked it, great. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t do it again.



Grab Latrice’s Free Client Attraction Guide: How Authenticity Attracts Your Ideal Client

The Digital Solutions Team

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