
TECH MAGIC and hiring a tech VA with Jessica Sciuva

Episode 5: Tech Magic and hiring a Tech VA with Jessica Sciuva

 As an entrepreneur, it feels like magic when the tech just works, and somebody can click a button- and all the things in the backend just start working!


Jess Sciuva is a master tech VA, and in this episode of the Dreamer’s Manual podcast, invites others to grow and hire with her as she offers some of THE MOST VALUABLE resources for people looking to become or hire a tech VA. She chats about setting up funnels, working in her favorite system, Kartra, and helping general VA’s- or people who haven’t yet taken the leap into being a virtual assistant- learn and get confident with tech.


If you want to know  what makes an amazing client, what to look for when hiring a tech VA, great projects and trials you can do when starting out working with a tech VA, and even a hiring resource that was a secret to me before this interview, you HAVE to check it out!


 Highlights from this Episode


We talk about:


  • Jessica’s working-mom evolution from teacher to Tech VA extraordinaire, and the freedom being an online entrepreneur has afforded her.


  • A day in the life – 
    • Break down her favorite system, Kartra 
    • The different ways she serves clients in this role
    • The feeling of having everything function with precision on the back end


  •  What  to look for in a tech VA if you’re hiring:  Systems experts vs General Tech VA


  • Onboarding insight-  What to keep in mind when you’re considering retainers vs project based hiring.


  • Budgeting considerations within the industry when building out a funnel and hiring a tech Specialist or VA


  • How to find the best Tech Va and what questions to ask, what to look for and expect if you’re the tech professional on the call, red flags, and trial period suggestions..


  • Her valuable offers Guides and resources linked at the bottom- Whether you’re hiring, interested in becoming a tech va, or interested in  building the next level of your business to show your expert skills.


Captivating Quotes from this Episode:


5:45  What a tech VA  can do for you

  I had a few clients on retainer, and I would help them with their system, Kartra. So within that system, you can do a lot of things. So you can have your sales pages, your opt-in pages,  your emails, your course memberships. So there’s so much you can do. And it can be a little bit complicated, which is why people will hire out for this system


6:43  The benefits becoming a tech VA  has brought to to herself and her clients


 I’ll set up all the pieces to it. So the sales page, the product, the actual course, the emails, and everything, so that way, they can just market it, put it out there and everything’s ready to go on the back end. And they don’t have to worry.That stuff takes so much time.There’s some bundles that can be very complex, and really require a lot of thinking and effort to put everything together. But it’s so amazing. Once these things are done, you could just look at them and be like, I did that.


13:40  First steps and what to ask to  find a great tech VA when hiring


So definitely get on a call with someone for questions. You can ask them, Have you set up something like this before? What does it look like? What’s your process for doing that? You could even ask them to send you a portfolio if they have one of their work, especially if they’re doing things that are more visual, like graphic design, or setting up sales pages or options.


20:52 project management and supporting your VA

. Trello is great for newer people starting out with a project management tool, I used that to start and it was fine… But if you’re ready to move on to something more advanced, I definitely recommend clickup. And as far as getting frustrated with someone because they’re not doing something the way that you want ,or that the way that you would do it, I recommend sending them a video tutorial explaining exactly what it is they need to do and how because that’s going to be so helpful. And if they can see visually, exactly what needs to be done, they’re more likely to do it that way. And that’s going to prevent a lot of that frustration.


25:00  Julie chats about the 5 Love Languages in the Workplace Quiz that helps you support your team.


You know, there’s actually the five love languages in the workplace quiz (linked below in show notes). You could send that to somebody,  And find out together. You can ask people when they come on, how do you like to receive feedback and praise? And I think that’s a great question to start off a relationship on the right foot.I think just those little things that you can do to create a more positive working environment is very important.



Website techwithjess.com

Email jess@techwithjess.com

IG: @tech.with.jess 



Become a Tech VA with this Free Guide with top learning platforms


 Learn everything about facilitating Kartra with your clients in this Crazy for Kartra Course


Join the  “Become a tech VAFacebook Group


Hiring? Check out this “5 Love Languages for the Workplace Quiz” 


Tech VA Directory!


BEFORE YOU GO: Don’t forget to rate review and subscribe to the Dreamer’s Manual podcast so we can continue to bring you tailored content to help you build your dreams, evolve in your journey, and bust through those limits so you can create and sustain a thriving business!


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