
How to Hire a SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER with Stephanie Mead

This week’s episode features Stephanie Mead, a digital marketing strategist focused on social media management.


She brings value to business owners trying to navigate Social media management. She shares all her tips, resources, ideas, and red flags to watch out for to help people make smart decisions about addressing social media with their business.


I know this information is going to help so many online entrepreneurs take away the frustration and timesuck that managing your social media presence can sometimes bring. She has all the tips to help you make the right decisions to really embrace the benefits while growing your business.


She brings a wealth of knowledge and value to this episode, but you can connect with her after you listen and get even MORE valuable resources and guidance by checking out the links below.


Are you building your own dream team? Download your free Hiring Starter Kit HERE!


 Highlights from this Episode


  • The two stages her clients are usually in before they hire a SMM and how to know if you are ready- She also shares some great tips to simplify creating content for your social media if you aren’t there yet.


  • The importance of having quality followers over a high quantity to help you

Build relationships

Convert to leads

Build your brand and presence


  • The dangers of D.I.Y.ing social media strategy through outdated advice and youtube videos.


  • The big recommendations she gives clients across the board. [Hint-It’s all about your engagement and understanding your target market.]


  • The time and cost investment clients can expect to start with for a beginner level social media manager and experienced smm as social media evolves


  • Questions to ask when hiring a SMM to get clarity avoid disappointment on both ends


  • The metrics that really matter when it comes to measuring social media success. And how to show prospective clients your worth as a SMM while keeping existing clients information private


  • Red flags to look out for when hiring a SMM And how to show up and be a kickass client


  • The value of communication when it comes to strategy and a long term relationship with your SMM


  • All about her successful Facebook Group for SMMs and business owners and her social media course- check links below for more info and awesome resources!


Captivating Quotes from this Episode:



Usually the first goal, and I usually end up telling people that’s not a great goal to have is to grow followers. Everybody wants to have 100,000 million followers on their social media platforms. If you’ve ever listened to anybody talk about social media for even a second, they’re gonna say that having quality followers is more important than having a lot of followers.



So I would tell business owners to expect at least a three-month commitment to social media before you even really start to see any kind of growth with it. Because the first month is going to be spent putting together the strategy, the content, getting everything in order. And then the next month is going to be having that go out and see, okay, this worked. And if it didn’t work, then, of course, you’re making some adjustments.



it shouldn’t be something where every week, your social media managers like okay, can you please do this video for me, they should have a strategy for you and say, Okay, these are the types of things I need you to record, record those in, you can sit down and do those all at one time. And then, at the end of the month, I usually do a report for my clients. And they can kind of look through it. And if they have any questions, we can do a meeting. But usually, it’s laid out in a way where they can see what’s happening. And then I recommend the strategy going forward.



That’s like, the biggest disconnect I’ve seen between social media managers and business owners is they hire somebody thinking, you know, they found this great person that’s going to do all their social media for 200 bucks a month. And then they find out that that person was actually really only going to schedule posts, or they never intended on doing engagement or hashtags or anything. So really, ask the questions, you know, what’s included in the package? And I would say before you even start interviewing anybody writes down what you want?



If you’re talking to a social media manager that has never worked within your business, and I start promising you all these things, I would question that. I know one of the big things that social media managers will do is they’ll say, and a lot of people fall for this, they’ll say, we promise you 1000 new followers, that are real followers in a month, and then the pricing, there’ll be like, it’s only $150 for them. And that’s just like the biggest red flag you could ever have. Is it possible to gain 1000 new followers in a month? It is the kind of engagement and different things that would go into that is well beyond the scope of $150 a month for work



  Email: stephaniemeadcreative@gmail.com

Websites: stephaniemeadcreative.com


Instagram @stephaniemeadcreative

Facebook @stephaniemeadcreative

Facebook Group- thesocialmediasociety

BEFORE YOU GO: Are you building your own dream team? Download your free Hiring Starter Kit HERE!

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