Plan your week for major success

Setting Up Your Week for Major Success

How do those people do it? You know the ones – they have time to work, create, workout, shower, spend time with family and all while keeping their house looking like it’s not part of the pit of despair?


So what’s their secret?


First – they have a plan


If you were going on a cross country road trip next week, you’d have a plan. 


Where are you going?

How will you get there?

Approximately how long will each step take?


Now, where you’re going sounds like an obvious step but how many people start their week without knowing what they want or need to accomplish to move their goals forward? My client’s and I block out dedicated time each quarter to focus on their business and where we’re going for the next 3 months. Once we have bigger goals, we can break those down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks.


If you’re wasting time each morning searching to find what to work on, you’ll end up doing the first task that comes your way. But the problem with this is – other people or things outside of your business are setting your priorities


But, imagine the freedom of opening your computer Monday morning and knowing what really needs to be accomplished and having blocked off time to complete those tasks. That focus, compounded over time is what really moves a business forward. 


Second – they have help!


With social media acting as a highlight reel of people’s lives, it’s hard to know what’s real and what isn’t. What you aren’t always seeing is that behind every successful entrepreneur, there is lots of help. 


From business coaches to masterminds, house managers and house cleaners, a helpful spouse or family members, nannies and house managers, to virtual assistants, copywriters, and certified online business managers, successful people invest in help. 


And the most successful people are very intentional about the kind of help they invest in. When you think about what’s draining your energy the most or holding you up from completing big projects, the answer looks different for everyone. 


Third – they have accountability


We all need support. The online world especially can be a vacuum and it’s important to have people that understand and support your journey. 


I love building in personal accountability with Project Management systems and goal trackers. However, for most people, holding yourself accountable to team members, business besties, a paid or unpaid mastermind and/or a business coach can offer huge rewards. If you don’t already have this type of system in place, make it a priority to find or add to your accountability system!


Could you use some help creating a plan and an accountability system in your business? I offer breakthrough strategy sessions where we take the time to deep dive into your business and create a customized 90-day plan to get you to where you want to go. Find out more by clicking HERE.


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Hi! I’m Julie. I launched my Online Business Manager business to partner with amazing business owners who need systems, planning, and automation. My clients get to focus on building the business, not hiding from it. I’m so glad you’re here!

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